HTB Sherlock - Nubilum-1 Writeup

HTB Sherlock - Nubilum-1 Writeup

Sherlock Scenario

Our cloud administration team recently received a warning from Amazon that an EC2 instance deployed in our cloud environment is being utilised for malicious purposes. Our sysadmin team have no recollection of deploying this EC2, however do recall logging onto the AWS console and finding in excess of 6 EC2s running, which he did not recall deploying. You have been provided with the interview with our Cloud sysadmin within the triage.


After extracting the downloaded ZIP file, the following files and directories are available to solve the task (Fig. 1):

  • CloudTrail - directory containing AWS logs,
  • catscale_ip-172-31-24-20-20230130-1628.tar.gz - artefacts collected from the compromised machine using the Catscale tool,
  • forela-storage - a copy of files from the S3 bucket,
  • interview.txt - a transcript of the interview with the administrator,
  • - a directory found on the compromised machine.
    Fig. 1. Contents of the extracted ZIP file.
    Fig. 1. Contents of the extracted ZIP file.


Task 1

Which AWS IAM account was compromised by the TA?

First, using the command find . -type f -name "*.json" -exec cat {} \; > all.json, I merged all the log files into a single file. Then I spent quite a bit of time searching for the correct answer without success. I started by extracting user agents and found the value “kali” in one of them, then searched for the associated IP address. Later, I thought of approaching the task in a different, more CTF-oriented way. Since the expected flag format was ******-***-*********n (Fig. 2), I decided to use regex to find the answer. I used the command cat all.json | jq | grep -E "[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{9}n" | grep userName | uniq, which took some time, but I eventually found only one AWS IAM account value that matched the pattern (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2. Expected flag format for Task 1.
Fig. 2. Expected flag format for Task 1.
Fig. 3. Compromised AWS IAM by the attacker.
Fig. 3. Compromised AWS IAM by the attacker.

Answer: forela-ec2-automation

Task 2

Where did the attacker locate the hard-coded IAM credentials?

I started by reviewing the contents of the forela-storage directory. The file caught my attention (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Contents of the <code>forela-storage</code> directory.
Fig. 4. Contents of the forela-storage directory.
After checking its contents, I found that it contained hard-coded login credentials (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Contents of the <code>cat forela-storage/backups/</code> file.
Fig. 5. Contents of the cat forela-storage/backups/ file.
I only needed to ensure that the attacker actually downloaded this file. Using the command jq '.Records | .[] | select(.userIdentity.accountId== "anonymous") | select(.eventName=="GetObject") | select(.errorCode!="AccessDenied") | select(.errorCode!="NoSuchKey")' all.json, I listed all successful file downloads by the anonymous user. I then checked whether the previously identified file was in the logs. Among the listed events, the file appeared only once. This not only helped me confirm the exact path but also identify the download time, which allowed me to narrow down my further investigations.
Fig. 6. Event indicating file download by the attacker.
Fig. 6. Event indicating file download by the attacker.

Answer: /backups/

Task 3

In total, how many EC2 hosts were deployed by the TA?

The next step was to extract all actions performed by the compromised account after the attacker gained access. I selected the file download time of as the reference point. Using the command jq '.Records[] | select(.userIdentity.userName == "forela-ec2-automation" and .eventTime >= "2023-01-24T22:37:59Z")' all.json > compromised.json, I extracted all events. I then focused on events related to instance creation. There were 8 events responsible for creating 13 EC2 instances (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. List of instances created by the attacker.
Fig. 7. List of instances created by the attacker.

Answer: 13

Task 4

What is the name of the key pair/s generated by the attacker?

Using the command jq 'select(.eventName=="CreateKeyPair")' compromised.json, I listed the events related to key creation in AWS (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Name of key pairs created by the attacker.
Fig. 8. Name of key pairs created by the attacker.

Answer: 1337.key, 13337

Task 5

What time were the key pair/s generated by the attacker?

From the previous task (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Time of key creation by the attacker.
Fig. 9. Time of key creation by the attacker.

Answer: 2023-01-24T22:48:34Z,2023-01-25T12:01:38Z

Task 6

What are the key pair ID/s of the key/s generated by the attacker?

From Task 4 (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. ID of the created key.
Fig. 10. ID of the created key.

Answer: key-0450dc836eaf2aa37

Task 7

What is the description of the security group created by the attacker?

Using the command jq 'select(.eventName=="CreateSecurityGroup")' compromised.json, I found one event related to the creation of a security group. The answer was found in the groupDescription field (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Security group created by the attacker.
Fig. 11. Security group created by the attacker.

Answer: still here

Task 8

At what time did the Sys Admin terminate the first set of EC2s deployed?

To answer this question, I had to return to the originally created file all.json. Considering the time when the attacker obtained the login credentials, I used the command jq '.Records[] | select(.eventName=="TerminateInstances" and .eventTime >= "2023-01-24T22:37:59Z") | {time: .eventTime}' all.json and found two results (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Time of instance termination by the administrator.
Fig. 12. Time of instance termination by the administrator.

Answer: 2023-01-24 23:25

Task 9

Can we confirm the IP addresses used by the TA to abuse the leaked credentials? (Ascending Order)

Having already extracted the file with events performed using the compromised IAM account, I used the command cat compromised.json | grep sourceIPAddress | sort | uniq to extract the unique IP addresses used by the attacker (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. List of IP addresses used by the attacker.
Fig. 13. List of IP addresses used by the attacker.


Task 10

In addition to the CloudTrail data and S3 access, we have provided artefacts from the endpoint reported by AWS. What is the name of the malicious application installed on the EC2 instance?

After extracting the archive, I received a new directory poshc2. Poshc2 is a C2 framework (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Directory name received after extracting the archive <code></code>.
Fig. 14. Directory name received after extracting the archive

Answer: PoshC2

Task 11

Please provide the hostname and username details of any victims of the C2 server.

In the directory poshc2/money/, I found the file poshc2_server.log, which contained information from the running PoshC2 instance. Upon reviewing it, I found the hostname and username (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15. Hostname and username used by the C2 server.
Fig. 15. Hostname and username used by the C2 server.

Answer: DESKTOP-R4KM0GJ\Marcus Athony