HTB Sherlock - Mellitus Writeup

HTB Sherlock - Mellitus Writeup

Sherlock Scenario

You’ve been a SOC analyst for the last 4 years but you’ve been honing your incident response skills! It’s about time you bite the bullet and go for your dream job as an Incident Responder as that’s the path you’d like your career to follow. Currently you are going through the interview process for a medium size incident response internal team and the cocky interviewing responder has given you a tough technical challenge to test your memory forensics aptitude. Can you get all the questions right and secure the job?


Task 1

What was the time on the system when the memory was captured?

Using the command python3 -f ../mellitus/memory_dump.vmem, we obtain basic information about the captured memory dump (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Information about the memory dump.
Fig. 1. Information about the memory dump.

Answer: 2023-10-31 13:59:26

Task 2

What is the IP address of the attacker?

Using the command python3 -f ../mellitus/memory_dump.vmem windows.netstat, we will display all connections established at the time of the memory dump. Only one port will stand out, namely port 4545 (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Detected IP address of the attacker.
Fig. 2. Detected IP address of the attacker.


Task 3

What is the name of the strange process?

I couldn’t determine the name of the process because netstat didn’t show the PID or name. Therefore, I used the reliable tools grep and strings, which also helped me find the answer to Task 5 (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Detected command executed by the attacker and the name of the process.
Fig. 3. Detected command executed by the attacker and the name of the process.

Answer: Scvhost.exe

Task 4

What is the PID of the process that launched the malicious binary?

After identifying the process name in the previous task, I used the command python3 -f ../mellitus/memory_dump.vmem windows.pstree to list the process tree on the system and then found its PID (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Detected PID of the malicious process.
Fig. 4. Detected PID of the malicious process.

Answer: 6772

Task 5

What was the command that got the malicious binary onto the machine?

Answer found in Task 3. Answer: curl -o scvhost.exe

Task 6

The attacker attempted to gain entry to our host via FTP. How many users did they attempt?

Using the grep and strings commands, I found logs of login attempts to the FTP server. They contained usernames (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Logs from the FTP server.
Fig. 5. Logs from the FTP server.

Answer: 3

Task 7

What is the full URL of the last website the attacker visited?

First, I found in the process lists that Google Chrome was being used. Then, I downloaded all files related to this process using the command python3 -f ../mellitus/memory_dump.vmem -o ../mellitus windows.dumpfiles --pid 8048. In the downloaded files, I found a database containing the user’s browsing history, named file.0xc40aa9259df0.0xc40aa4ec6be0.SharedCacheMap.History.vacb. Next, in the tables, I found the last entry (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Google Chrome browsing history.
Fig. 6. Google Chrome browsing history.


Task 8

What is the affected users password?

First, using the command python -f ../mellitus/memory_dump.vmem windows.hashdump, I performed a hash dump from the memory. Then, using the command john tools/htb/hashes.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=NT, I obtained the plaintext version of the password.

Fig. 7. Cracked user’s password.
Fig. 7. Cracked user’s password.

Answer: flowers123

Task 9

There is a flag hidden related to PID 5116. Can you confirm what it is?

Using the command python3 -f ../mellitus/memory_dump.vmem -o ../mellitus windows.dumpfiles --pid 5116 -dump, I performed a memory dump of the process. Then, I opened the file using GIMP, selecting the “Raw image data” option and adjusting the offset until an image or solid color appeared in the preview (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Found flag.
Fig. 8. Found flag.

Answer: you_Foundme!